Program Connects Qualified Job Seekers With Manufacturing Jobs
The Lima News
July 2, 2015
The Allen Economic Development Group, lead organization on the Industry Workforce Alliance
grant from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and the Governor’s Office of
Workforce Transformation, reported today that Phase 2 of the grant – the implementation phase –
– has just launched.
Jeff Sprague, President/CEO of Allen Economic Development Group and lead sponsor of the
Industry Workforce Alliance Grant, says “The economic development strategy in Allen County
is to help our businesses grow, and workforce is a key component for success. I am excited to
get this phase of the program underway, and hoping it will make a significant difference for our
local employers and the quality job seekers they recruit.”
Industry Workforce Alliances are sector-based partnerships involving employers within one
industry that bring government, education and training, economic and workforce development,
labor, and community organizations together to focus on the workforce needs of an industry
within a region. The goal is to better align state programs, education and training curricula and
other resources serving employers and job seekers.
The Allen Economic Development Group alliance is one of six in the State of Ohio. For more
information, contact Jeff Sprague, Allen Economic Development Group, 419-222-7706, or Joe
Patton, OhioMeansJobs, 419-230-0678.